Vol. 7 No. 3 (2024): ABDIMAS UMTAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
Literary Journalism Training to Enhance the Imaginative Thinking of Students at SMKN 2 Garut
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Utilizing Tofu Residue as an Additional Food Ingredient in Soy Nata Products
- pdf  Views: 171  Downloads: 191
Empowerment of Women Farmer Groups on Oyster Mushroom Cultivation in Fatusene Village, North Central Timor Regency
- pdf  Views: 160  Downloads: 187
Fostering Children to Have Environmental Love Behavior in Facing Climate Change at Densely Population Urban Area
- pdf  Views: 74  Downloads: 92
Destination Logo Design for Lake Aur Branding at Musi Rawas Regency, South Sumatra Province
- pdf  Views: 66  Downloads: 80
Stunting Prevention is Alan Effort to Reduce the Risk of Stunting
- pdf  Views: 107  Downloads: 105
Socialization of the Importance of Physical Activity to Improve Health in Postpartum Mothers at Garut Hospital
- pdf  Views: 96  Downloads: 87
Palm Stick Plates: Efforts to Improve the Economy Children's Tribe in Jambi
- pdf  Views: 55  Downloads: 47
Detection of Toddler Growth and Development Monitoring for Parents at Posyandu Merpati
- pdf  Views: 69  Downloads: 67
Stimulation Application Training for Early Intervention Detection of Child Development for Teachers at TK Sejahtera 4 Tasikmalaya City
- pdf  Views: 43  Downloads: 45
Socialization of Cervical Cancer Prevention Program in Panglanjan Hamlet, Cintaratu Village, Pangandaran
- pdf  Views: 48  Downloads: 46
Nutritional Fulfillment Counseling for Pregnant Women & Toddlers for Stunting Prevention in Babakan Village, Pangandaran
- pdf  Views: 34  Downloads: 23
Aisyiyah Cadre Training About Cervical Cancer and Early Detection in The Gerakan Aisyiyah Sehat (GRASS)
- pdf  Views: 44  Downloads: 38
Nomophobia Education and Counseling in Teenagers Self-Controlling as Prevention of Gadget Addiction at SMA Negeri 21 Makassar
- pdf  Views: 63  Downloads: 59
Utilization of Local Product for Complementary Food Menu in Stunting Prevention
- pdf  Views: 74  Downloads: 57
Socialization the Importance of Completing the Completeness of Mental Care CPPT in Hb Saanin Hospital
- pdf  Views: 31  Downloads: 29
Entrepreneurship Village Program in Sukoharjo, Sleman Through Development of Agricultural Products
- pdf  Views: 33  Downloads: 53
Strengthening n Integrated Participatory Commitment in the Organization of Archives for Village Heads in the Pemalang District
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Socialization of Crop-Livestock Integration System to Increase Farmer-Livestock Income in the Framework of Community Empowerment
- pdf  Views: 54  Downloads: 32
Educational Utilization of Chromebook as Learning Medium to Increase Students Interest in Learning at SMP 2 Muhammadiyah Kartasura
- pdf  Views: 105  Downloads: 110
Socialization and Workshop of Coding Based on ICD-10 and ICD-9 Cm Regulations at Mental Hospital Prof Hb Saanin Padang
- pdf  Views: 38  Downloads: 35
Improving Basic English Skills in Health Workers, Especially in the Medical Records Section at the Kuranji Health Center, Padang City
- pdf  Views: 35  Downloads: 32
Growing PAUD Teacher Creativity Through Creative Play Activities
- pdf  Views: 49  Downloads: 30
The Mapping of Plumeria Eco Park Potencies as a New Tourism Destination in Muara Enim, South Sumatera
- pdf  Views: 53  Downloads: 38
Introduction of Numeration Literacy Skills-Oriented Educative Games Through the Campus Teaching Program
- pdf  Views: 58  Downloads: 43
Students' Speaking Ability Santo Arnoldus Janssen Secondarry Secondary High School Kupang through Public Speaking Training
- pdf  Views: 84  Downloads: 70
Art Therapy as a Means of Improving Mental Wellbeing of Housewives
- pdf  Views: 23  Downloads: 29
Socialization of Halal Awareness and Halal Certification among Dayak Bidayuh Community, Kampung Darul Falah, Sarawak
- pdf  Views: 64  Downloads: 43
Assistance in Cost Classification and Cost Production of Street Food Microenterprises in Bekasi District
- pdf  Views: 77  Downloads: 51
A Small Effort for Future Bonus Demography: Growing the Dream of Orphanage Children
- pdf  Views: 23  Downloads: 23
Educational Culinary Approach to Enhance Students' Interest, Skills, and Knowledge in Cooking at SMA Katolik Stella Maris Surabaya
- pdf  Views: 61  Downloads: 25
Legal Counselling on Legal Awareness at LPKA Class I Tangerang
- pdf  Views: 34  Downloads: 21
Assistance in Creating a Sustainibility Company Profile for MSME Jamu Marguno Bantul
- pdf  Views: 43  Downloads: 24
Improving the Competence of Elementary School Teachers Through Assistance in the Preparation of Numeracy-Based Literacy Teaching Modules
- pdf  Views: 53  Downloads: 58
Increasing Community Knowledge About Preventing Stunting and Making Additional Food in Cikurubuk Village, Buahdua District 2024
- pdf  Views: 34  Downloads: 29
Magnetic Train Training to Increase Teacher Creativity at Manahan Christian Elementary School, Solo
- pdf  Views: 36  Downloads: 35
Balanced Nutrition Education for Class 3 SDN Cikeruh I Jatinangor District, Sumedang Regency
- pdf  Views: 68  Downloads: 42
The Effectiveness of Aromatherapy on Pain Intensity in First Stage Mothers at TPMB Ana Masnah, Tarumajaya Bekasi
- pdf  Views: 26  Downloads: 15
The Effect of Yoga during Pregnancy on the Intensity of Labor Pain in the First Stage of Primigravida in PMB Midwives Yeti, Cianjur
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The Effectiveness of Foot SPA on the Intensity of Labor Pain in the Active Phase of First Stage at BPM Ani Karawang
- pdf  Views: 45  Downloads: 35
Examples and Non Examples Learning Training to Determine The Reading Ability Of Primary School Students
- pdf  Views: 31  Downloads: 28
Improving Adolescent Health Through Digital Youth Capacity Building
- pdf  Views: 32  Downloads: 30
Management of Visual and Interactive Content Development for Banking Services Promotion on Instagram
- pdf  Views: 68  Downloads: 48
Educating Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Understanding Financial Literacy
- pdf  Views: 37  Downloads: 33
Local Wisdom-Based Disaster Mitigation Education and Environmental Conservation in Bintalahe Village of Bone Bolango Municipality
- pdf  Views: 43  Downloads: 35
Elderly Assistance to Improve Quality of Life by Optimizing Movement and Function of Elderly Group at Posyandu Pelangi Nusantara
- pdf  Views: 45  Downloads: 37
Healthy Food Education for Students in Kula Langat, Malaysia
- pdf  Views: 45  Downloads: 31
Improving the Quality of Baby Sleep by Giving Massages Aged 0-6 Months at Muhammadiyah Semampir Branch Office in Surabaya
- pdf  Views: 61  Downloads: 47
"PI-JAK" Tax Smart Community: Tax Literacy of PP No. 58 Year 2023 for Gunung Gangsir Village
- pdf  Views: 62  Downloads: 45
Communities Influence Social Media in Dealing with ‘Filter Bubbles’ and ‘Echo Chambers’ in The Era of Digital Content Among Students
- pdf  Views: 192  Downloads: 135
The Organic Waste Processing as an Alternative Energy Source of Bio- Briquettes For Kedung Klinter Citizen Surabaya
- pdf  Views: 85  Downloads: 52
Empowerment of Business Owners and Baristas through Digital Marketing Program at Kopi Johar Yogyakarta
- pdf  Views: 44  Downloads: 27
Financial Literacy Training In The South Alai Village Community, lembak District, South Sumatra
- pdf  Views: 29  Downloads: 23
Superior Community Empowerment and Family Management Technology in Overcoming FOMO in Cigalontang Tasikmalaya Village Residents
- pdf  Views: 65  Downloads: 38
Improving Concentration, Creativity, and Motor Skills through SAVARI (Save All Memories) Play Therapy for Children with Special Needs
- pdf  Views: 86  Downloads: 50
Empowering Family to Manage Fatigue using Back Massage
- pdf  Views: 34  Downloads: 22
Nadzom Method Implementation in Arabic Language Learning at DTA Ar-Risalah Pangandaran
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Socialization of the Use of Google Forms Staff at the Kuranji Community Health Center, Padang City
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