Penggunaan Media Video Animasi untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Menyimak Siswa Pada Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia


  • Irfan Hilman Universitas Garut
  • Fajar Nugraha Universwitas Garut
  • Rudi Akmal Universiitas Garut
  • Lukman Cahyadi Universitas Garut



This study focuses on the use of animated video media to improve students' listening skills in learning Indonesian. The aims of the research are: (1) to measure the use of animated video media in class III SDIT Atikah Musaddad. (2) to determine the listening skills of students in class III SDIT Atikah Musaddad. (3) to find out the use of animated video media, class III students get an increase in listening skills. This type of quantitative research is experimental. By using the One-Group Pretstt-Posttest design. The population taken from this study is the Atikah Musaddad SDIT school. The sample of this research is one class III Ishaq, totaling 27 students. Data collection techniques using questions and questionnaires. The results of this study indicate that the results obtained by researchers using animated video media in class III SDIT Atikah Musaddad with the help of the distribution of questionnaires given to students obtained an overall result of 67.63% with the criteria obtained "good". the results of the acquisition of researchers Listening skills of third grade students of SDIT Atikah Musaddad before and after being given learning with the pretest results obtaining an average score of 69.00, and the posttest results obtaining an average score of 82.00. This shows that there is an increase in students' listening skills after being given learning. research results There is an increase in students' listening skills using animated video media in class III SDIT Atikah Musaddad. From the calculation results obtained, it is obtained that tcount is 16.66 and ttable is 2.67 with db= 52, = 0.01 is 2.67. Then tcount is outside H0. So it can be stated that students' listening skills in Indonesian lessons using animated video media are better than before using animated video media.



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How to Cite

Hilman, I., Nugraha, F., Akmal, R., & Cahyadi, L. (2024). Penggunaan Media Video Animasi untuk Meningkatkan Keterampilan Menyimak Siswa Pada Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia. Naturalistic: Jurnal Kajian Dan Penelitian Pendidikan Dan Pembelajaran, 8(2), 369–380.

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