NATURALISTIC: Jurnal Kajian Penelitian dan Pembelajaran
Identitas Penulis
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Hasil dan Pembahasan
Ucapan Terima Kasih
Daftar Pustaka
Penulisan Kutipan Catatan Kaki dan Daftar Pustaka
Teknik penulisan catatan kaki, menggunakan sistem sitasi Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition (full note, no ibid) font Times New Roman 10, ditulis secara berurutan: Nama penulis [tanpa pangkat dan gelar], Judul buku diketik miring, cetakan/edition [jika ada], jilid/series [jika ada] (Tempat/kota penerbit: Nama penerbit, Tahun terbit), nomor halaman.
Buku yang disunting oleh editor diikuti “ed.†tanpa kurung setelah penulisan nama. Jika buku ditulis tanpa kota penerbit diketik “t.k.â€; tanpa penerbit diketik “t.p.â€; jika tanpa tahun terbit diketik “t.t.â€. Apabila tahun penerbitan berupa tahun hijriyah diketik “H.†setelah penyebutan tahun. Halaman tanpa penulisan simbol halaman, langsung pada penulisan angka. Apabila ingin menyebutkan lagi sumber yang terdahulu harus disebutkan nama penulis dan diikuti dengan nama buku yang dimaksud. Dalam penyebutan ulang ini, tidak digunakan istilah tertentu: ibid., op. cit., dan loc. cit..
Teknik penulisan daftar pustaka, menggunakan sistem sitasi Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition (full note, no ibid) font Times New Roman 12, ditulis secara berurutan: Nama penulis ditulis nama belakangnya lebih dahulu, diikuti nama depan dan nama tengah (atau inisial). Judul buku (diketik miring). Cetakan/Edition. Jilid/Series (bila ada). Kota penerbit: Nama penerbit, Tahun penerbitan.
Jika literatur ditulis lebih dari dua orang: Nama penulis pertama ditulis nama belakangnya lebih dahulu, dilanjutkan penulis kedua dan seterusnya dan nama belakang tidak perlu dibalik seperti penulis pertama. Ditulis 1 spasi, berurutan secara alfabetis tanpa nomor. Penulisan daftar pustaka tidak menggunakan et al., sebagai pengganti penulis kedua dan seterusnya.
NATURALISTIC: Journal of Research and Learning Studies
The manuscript has not been published and / or is not in the process of submission for publication in other media and does not contain plagiarism elements with the accompanying written statement of the author.
The manuscript is written in Indonesian or English with a density of 1 line spacing, font type font Times New Roman 12, A4 paper size, upper margin of 3 cm., Under 2.5 cm., Left 2.5 cm., And right 2 cm.
The length of the Script is at least 4000 words (about 14 pages) and a maximum of 7000 words (about 20 pages) includes images, graphs / tables (if any), and a list of accompanying libraries.
The text should be accompanied by abstracts in English and Indonesian.
The manuscript is submitted through online Naturalistic Journal Submissions (direct click list / register).
All manuscripts that go to the editor will be through blind review process by partner bebestari after review by the editor. The manuscript will be edited back by the editor without changing the content of the content.
The title should be concise, effective, and informative, with a total of 12 words - including a hyphen.
Times New Roman 16 type font, with 1 spaced line spacing.
Author Identity
The manuscript is accompanied by an author's identity which includes: Name of author without academic degree (Times New Roman 12 bold), author institutional affiliation, agency address, and e-mail (Times New Roman 10, distance 1 space).
The institutional affiliation of the student follows the place where the student is studying.
The author's name and author's order (if more than one author) must be agreed upon by all authors, usually based on contributions and participation in research execution and report writing, and all authors are responsible for the content of the manuscript.
Abstract is written briefly and factually, covering research objectives, research methods, results and conclusions.
Abstracts are written in English and Indonesian, abstract lengths ranging from 150-250 words in one paragraph, Times New Roman 10.
Keywords consist of 3 - 5 words and / or word groups.
Typed words are italic, between keywords separated by semicolons (;)
Introduction is capitalized, 1 spaced and bold.
Introduction should contain the background of the problem; hypotheses (if any), research objectives and methods; generally the article is not very extensive, about 2 pages 1 space; introduction refers to some of the literature on which theoretical or research is based.
Results and Discussion
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION are capitalized, 1 spaced and bolded.
The results in the results and discussions are written in a systemic manner, only the results of the data / information related to the research objectives; simplify tables and use open tables, and map images are more focused on the object being studied and not too large and complicated file size (attempted in JPG format); tables and pictures are numbered. Examples of table writing: Table 3.
The use of subheads in the discussion in accordance with the purposes of discussion.
The technique of citing referral sources uses footnotes, using the Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition (full note, no ibid) font system of Times New Roman 10, see the example in technical footnote writing.
CONCLUDE written uppercase, distance 1 space and bold.
The conclusion should be the answer to the research question, and not expressed in the stastistic sentence.
Thank-you note
If there is an ACKNOWLEDGMENT, it is capitalized, 1 spaced and bolded
Contains gratitude to the funding agencies, and or individuals who have assisted in the conduct of research and script writing.
REFERENCES are written in the middle with capital letters, 1 spaced and bolded
The literature listed in the bibliography contains only the sources referred to or quoted in the manuscript.
The reference source referred to in the text should refer to one or more scientific journals.
The manuscript should refer or quote one or more Insight Journal articles.
Techniques of writing a bibliography, using the system cites Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition (full note, no ibid) font Times New Roman 12. More can be seen in the technical provisions of the bibliography.
Quote Writing
Referral citation in the discussion should not be too long.
Direct quotes less than five lines are written between full quotation marks united in paragraph and tilted (italic).
Direct quotes of five or more lines are written in a separate paragraph without quotation marks. The writing position is assigned a straight indent to the starting line of the paragraph.
The indirect quote is quoting a text that is extracted and written in its own sentence, written as part of the paragraph without the quotation marks
Citing research results or opinions of others, should use an indirect quote (using your own sentence, not exactly the same sentence).
Quotations of Qur'anic verses and Hadiths are written in Arabic letters according to the original text, including the signs of reading, using Traditional Arabic Fonts 16 bold. The verses of the Qur'an are written complete with the name and the number of suras and verse numbers, whereas the Hadith is written complete with a sanad and the original and equipped with footnote containing: The name of the book, volume, chapter, number of hadith and page.
Excerpts of excerpts of the Qur'anic verses in one verse, marked with a point three before or after. Example:
Anotation (short description) is written between two large brackets [...] directly after an annotated phrase or sentence. An annotation over a line is written as a footnote.
Quotes from Qur'anic verses are not required footnotes because the name and number of suras and verse numbers have been written in the quoted verse.
Writing Quote Footnotes and References
The technique of writing footnotes, using the citation system of Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition (full note, no ibid) font Times New Roman 10, is written in sequence: Author name [no rank and title], Typed book title, print / edition [if there], volume / series [if any] (Place / publisher city: Publisher name, Year of issue), page number.
Edited book by editor followed "ed." Without brackets after name writing. If the book is written without city publisher typed "t.k."; without typed publisher "t.p."; if no year published typed "t.t.". If the year of issuance of the year hijriyah typed "H." after the mention of the year. Page without writing page symbols, directly on the writing of numbers. If you want to mention again the source of the preceding must be mentioned the name of the author and followed by the name of the book in question. In this recall, no particular term is used: ibid., Op. cit., and loc. cit ..
The technique of writing a bibliography, using the Chicago Manual of Style 16th edition (full note, no ibid) font system, is written in sequence: The name of the author is written first, first followed by first name and middle name (or initials). The title of the book (typed italically). Print / Edition. Volume / Series (if applicable). City of Issuer: Name of Issuer, Issue Year.
If the literature is written more than two people: The first author's name is written first last name, followed by second author and so on and last name does not need to be reversed like the first author. Written 1 space, sequentially alphabetically without number. The writing of the bibliography does not use et al., In lieu of the second author and so on.
Copyright of Journal Naturalistic : Jurnal Kajian Penelitian Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran (e-ISSN:2548-8589, p-ISSN:2528-2921).
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