Pengembangan E-Modul Topik Penjernihan Air Berbasis Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) di Sekolah Dasar
E-Module, Penjernihan Air, Pengembangan, ValidasiAbstract
This project seeks to create an e-module product for class v of elementary school on the subject of ESD-based water purification. DBR (Design Based Research), which takes the shape of a research design focusing on development, is the methodology employed in this study. A class V teacher interview was undertaken to determine the availability of modules in elementary schools prior to the development. The next step was to design a VFT (virtual field trip) product that featured an e-module after FGDs were conducted to examine the issues in the school. In order to design module products with the subject of ESD-based water purification, it is necessary to first analyze basic competencies (KD), identify indicators of achievement of competencies and learning objectives, gather necessary supplementary materials, examine the applications used to process and produce e-module media programs, and create a product prototype draft module. The KD that was examined included KD 3.8 and KD 4.8 for science, KD 3.4 and KD 4.4 for mathematics, and KD 3.2 and KD 4.2 for Indonesian. Canva is the program used to design modules. An internet tool called Canva can be used to make educational media. Validation comes next when the module has been finished being drafted by using the Canva program. Three expert teams carried out the validation. There are a number of things that need to be added and modified based on the findings of the validation.
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