Application of Range of Motion (ROM) to Increase Muscle Strength in Meeting Activity Needs in Stroke Patients


  • Aida Sri Rachmawati Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health, Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya, Indonesia
  • Zulfa Mufidah Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health, Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya, Indonesia



Muscle Strength, Range Of Motion, Stroke


Stroke is a neurological disease caused by oclusion or hyperfusion in the blood vessels of the brain that causes neurological deficiencies and causes defects or death. The purpose of the case study is to find out a picture of nursing orphanage to meet the needs of physical mobility disorder activity by applying the Range of Motion for stroke patients starting from the achievement assessment to the evaluation. The methods used are descriptive case studies, with data collection techniques including interviews, physical examinations, observations and documentation. The results of the study showed that patients had weakness in the right extremity with the strength of the upper extremity muscle value 0 and the lower extremity value 2. The primary nursing diagnosis of physical mobility disorders is associated with a decrease in muscle strength. Planning to [treatment is to improve physical mobility in stroke patients. Implementation was done with increased physical mobility based on (SOP) Range of Motion performed in the morning, each movement for 10 counts for 30 minutes. Evaluation carried out after 4 days of implementation obtained data there was an increase in muscle strength of the upper extremity to 1 and the lower extremities to 3. Based on the explanation above, there was an increase in muscle strength between before and after the action. It is expected to be able to implement ROM therapy as an intervention to address the problem of physical mobility disorders in stroke patients.


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