Profil Kepercayaan Diri Siswa MA BPI Baturompe
Self confident, Student, guidance and counselingAbstract
This study aims to determine the description of Self-Confidence in MA BPI Baturompe Students in Tasikmalaya City based on aspects and indicators, differences based on gender, and designing guidance and counseling services as preventive services to increase self-confidence in students. This study uses a quantitative descriptive method to reveal a picture of student self-confidence. The population in this study were students of MA BPI Baturompe Tasikmalaya City. The sample in this study were MA BPI Baturompe students in Tasikmalaya City, totaling 228 students, who were taken by saturated sampling. The results of this study in general the description of self-confidence in MA BPI Baturompe students in Tasikmalaya City is in the moderate self-confidence category of 97% (186 students). The highest aspect is optimistic while the lowest aspect is rational and realistic. Based on gender differences there is no difference with sig. 0.114 which means there is no significant difference between self- confidence in male and female students of MA BPI Baturompe.
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