Focus and Scope

Journal of Innovative Counseling : Theory, Practice & Research is dedicated to publishing articles concerned with research, theory development, or applied related to counseling and counselor education. Sections within the journal include the following:

• Counselor Preparation. Research and theory articles that address counselor education curriculum and the preparation, management and supervision, and development of counselor education students.
• Professional Development. Research articles and position papers related to ongoing professional development for counselors, supervisors, and counselor educators.
• Current Issues. Position papers or research relevant to counselor education and psychology. Relevant areas include theory and practice in counseling and education; or other timely topics related to guidance and counseling today.
• Innovative Methods. Clearly delineated and substantiated descriptions of new methods, ideas, and innovations in counselor education, psychology, and common education. Manuscripts must include a review of the literature establishing a basis for the methods, a description of the methods including the context in which the methods are used, and a qualitative or quantitative evaluation of the method.
• Psychopedagogy. Research and theory articles that address culturally competent theory, research, and practice focused on instruction, course design, and evaluation in the classroom, practicum, and field experience re;ated to guidance and counseling services.
• Mental Health Counseling. Research and theory articles that address advanced in the use of counseling and psychotherapy techniques in mental health setting, with particular emphasis on psychodynamic and/or cognitive behaviour techniques; or reports of applied scientifically validated procedures to help people develop healthier, more effective habits— that help individuals work through their problems.