Hubungan Kelekatan Dengan Tingkat Kedukaan Pada Orang Dewasa


  • Cucu Arumsari Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya
  • Feida Noorlaila Isti'adah Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya
  • Muflihah Mustika Asih Universitas Muhammadiyah Tasikmalaya


grief, attachment, adult


Grief is a condition experienced when someone is abandoned by a loved

one. Attachment as a means of fostering a sense of love and affection between married couples is one of the reasons people experience grief when left by a life partner. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of grief and attachment in adults whose spouses died in Sukasukur Village, the relationship between grief and attachment, and the implications for guidance and counseling. The research method used was correlational as a way to reveal the relationship between grief and attachment. The research sample was 94 adults where every member of the population was sampled based on sampling using saturated sampling technique. The results of this study are an overview that shows a high attachment of 98%, while grief is in the moderate category at 53%. There is also a correlation between attachment and grief of 0.941 which means that both have a very high relationship.


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How to Cite

Arumsari, C., Isti'adah, F. N., & Mustika Asih, M. (2024). Hubungan Kelekatan Dengan Tingkat Kedukaan Pada Orang Dewasa. Journal of Innovative Counseling : Theory, Practice, and Research, 6(01). Retrieved from