Karakteristik Pola Gambar Anak Usia Dini
https://doi.org/10.35568/earlychildhood.v1i1.52Kata Kunci:
Karakter, Usia Dini, Gambar, Character, Early Childhood, PictureAbstrak
Menggambar merupakan aktivitas yang disukai oleh anak usia dini. Berbagai perkembangan fisik dan mental terlibat dalam kegiatan menggambar. Sesuai dengan pengalaman jiwanya, anak-anak menggambar sesuatu yang diketahuinya menurut jalan pikirannya yang berbeda dengan pemikiran orang dewasa. Tahapan gambar anak usia dini dimulai dari gambar coreng moreng tak beraturan, terkendali dan coreng moreng bernama. Gambar atau seni lukis karya anak usia dini menjadi unik, imajinatif, jujur, lugas dan naif, berani, juga menunjukkan spontanitas. Disamping sifat-sifat lain yang khas sebagai ungkapan anak, para pendidik dan pengamat seni harus memahami karakter anak usia dini agar setiap proses pembelajaran tepat guna sesuai sasaran pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak usia dini. Sudah selayaknya menghargai karya anak-anak sesuai dengan fitrahnya dan memberikan peluang sebesar-besarnya untuk mengembangkan potensi dan kreativitas anak dalam berekspresi seni. Proses pendidikan yang dilaksanakan dalam suasana yang menyenangkan maka potensi dan kreativitas anak didik akan tergali secara optimal.
Drawing is an activity favored by early childhood. A variety of physical and mental developments are involved in drawing activities. In accordance with the experience of his soul, the children draw something he knows according to his way of thinking that is different from that of adults. Early childhood picture stages begin with irregular, controlled scribbles and streaks named. Picture or painting by early childhood to be unique, imaginative, honest, straightforward and naive, brave, also shows spontaneity. In addition to other distinctive traits as the child's expression, art educators and observers must understand the character of early childhood in order that each learning process is appropriate to target the growth and development of early childhood. Should properly appreciate the work of children in accordance with his nature and provide opportunities as much as possible to develop the potential and creativity of children in art expression. The process of education is carried out in a pleasant atmosphere then the potential and creativity of students will be explored optimally.
Keywords: Character, Early Childhood, Picture.
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