Health Education and Mental Support Pre-Circumcision for Elementary School of Muhammadiyah Students


  • Tutur Kardiatun Nursing Study Program, ITEKES Muhammadiyah West Kalimantan, Indonesia
  • Dinar Wulan Puspita Nursing Study Program, ITEKES Muhammadiyah West Kalimantan, Indonesia
  • Tri Wahyuni Nursing Study Program, ITEKES Muhammadiyah West Kalimantan, Indonesia
  • Indri Erwhani Nursing Study Program, ITEKES Muhammadiyah West Kalimantan, Indonesia



Circumcision, Health Education, Mental Support, Elementary Students


The development of circumcision methods today has also developed rapidly, including conventional and modern
methods. Circumcision requires preparation not only in terms of physical maturity but also psychological maturity.
Mental problems felt by pre-circumcision children are fear of pain or anxiety about the circumcision process.
Lack of information is a need for children for pre-circumcision mental preparation. The subjects of this activity
were 69 students of Elementary School of Muhammadiyah 1, 2, and 3 Pontianak. Activities carried out on 21
February, 22 February, and third March 2023. This activity showed that the elementary school students were
enthusiastic and active during the education provided. In addition to pre-circumcision health education, mental
support for students aims to have mental readiness when circumcision time. At each venue, 60% of students were
able to mention the purpose of circumcision, 70% of students were able to repeat deep breath relaxation techniques
to reduce anxiety, and 78% of students stated that they were ready to be circumcised.
Keywords: Circumcision, Health Education, Mental Support, Elementary Students.


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How to Cite

Kardiatun, T., Puspita, D. W., Wahyuni, T., & Erwhani, I. (2023). Health Education and Mental Support Pre-Circumcision for Elementary School of Muhammadiyah Students. ABDIMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 6(3), 4102–4107.

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