Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): AbdimasMu UMTAS: Journal Of Community Service
In this edition, the journal AbdimasMu UMTAS: Journal Of Community Service can publish volume 1 number 1 in 2022. This publication contains 5 articles of service work carried out by lecturers and education practitioners at the Muhammadiyah University of Tasikmalaya. Hopefully with the presence of this journal, it will provide benefits for the progress and development of community service at the tertiary level and generally can provide benefits to the wider community, whatever results from this service activity make a real contribution and can take a lot of knowledge to improve the quality of life. in any field of society.
1000HPK Training For Cadres and Pregnant Women To Prevent Stunting In The Bungursari Health Center Work Area Of Tasikmalaya City In 2020
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Science Learning Training Using Information Technology in The Covid-19 Pandemic
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Increasing Knowledge of Pregnant Mothers About Iud Contraception Methods On The Use Of Kopiku Application
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Improvement Of Caregivers Ability to Care for Patients in Mentari Hati Social Institutions Tasikmalaya
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Socialization And Training Of Web-Based Cendana Posyandu Information System In Kahuripan Village, Tasikmalaya City
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Formation and Training of Peer Counselors on PKPR and Post-Covid-19 AKB Socialization
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Early Childhood Education Psychoeducation during the COVID-19
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Increasing Awareness of Health Protocols During Covid-19 Pandemic At SDN Setiamulya
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The Establisment of Caring Community Through TB Care Muhammadiyah at Puskesmas Tamansari Tasikmalaya City
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Increasing The Appreciation Of Fine Art Through Participatory Murals At Perum Arjamukti Singaparna, Tasikmalaya Regency
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Ib-M Aisyiyah Group of Tasikmalaya City In Early Detection of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors
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Training on Making and Developing Learning Video Media Using Software Wondershare Filmora Against the History Teacher of SMA Negeri 3 Palu
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Optimizing the Prevention of SARS-CoV-2 Transmission Through the Covid-19 Response Mosque
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