Tari Dalam Seni Pertunjukan Angklung Badud di Desa Parakan Honje Kota Tasikmalaya


  • Sinta setia SMPN 1 Langkaplancar




performing arts, Angklung Badud, Indihiang Tasikmalaya, presentation form, dance, make-up


The performing art of Badud Angklung in Parakan Honje Village, Indihiang District, Tasikmalaya City is a typical art from the city of Tasikmalaya by incorporating the results of its unique skills, namely umbrellas and geulis kelom. The problems raised are: 1) What is the form of presentation of Badud Angklung Performing Arts in Parakan Honje Village, Indihiang District, Tasikmalaya City ?; 2) How is the presentation of dance in the Badud Angklung Performing Arts in Parakan Honje Village, Indihiang District, Tasikmalaya City ?; 3) How are the clothes and make-up in the performing arts of Badud Angklung in Parakan Honje Village, Indihiang District, Tasikmalaya City? This research uses the theory of performance studies and descriptive analysis methods with a qualitative approach to describe and explain natural problems related to the performing arts of Badud Angklung and to analyze the form of presentation, the form of presentation of dance and make-up and clothing in the Angklung Badud performance art. It can be concluded that the performing art of Badud Angklung is in the form of parades with the concept of being reproduced, namely adding to the dance and the people who participate in this art, when the procession takes place the movements performed do not have a definite structure while when they form a formation the dance has a definite structure. Namely the geulis umbrella dance and the Badud angklung dance. The male players' make-up is an everyday make-up and the clothes are red and blue and iket to make the traditional elements more visible. Female dancers wear corrective make-up and dress in yellow and use geulis clamps and umbrellas as an identity that this art originates from Tasikmalaya.


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