Education on Making Floor Cleaning Soap from Used Cooking Oil (SUPERMIJEL)
Minyak goreng berulang, Sabun pembersih lantai, Ibu rumah tanggaAbstract
Waste cooking oil is also called used oil used for frying. The use of used cooking oil can have an impact on
our bodies, and indiscriminate disposal of the waste can pollute the environment and waters. So, there needs
to bea smart solution to overcome this problem. This community service activity aims to socialize the
dangers of used cooking oil and provide knowledge about other benefits of used cooking oil. The method
used in this activity is the delivery of materials and direct practice of making products. The evaluation of this
activity can be seen from the questionnaires distributed before and after theactivity started. The results of
the evaluation activities were an increase in knowledge about the dangers of using cooking oil repeatedly
for health. In addition, residents gained new knowledge and direct practice about other benefits of used
cooking oil, namely, floor cleaning soap from usedcooking oil. This community service activity can be followed
by the participants well and with highenthusiasm
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