Training on Portfolio Creation and Learning Media Using Google Sites for Teachers and Students at SMK Muhamadiyah Banjar


  • Sunardi Electrical Engineering Study Program, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Kunta Biddinika Electrical Engineering Study Program, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Furizal Informatics Masters Study Program, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Aldi Bastiatul Fawait Informatics Masters Study Program, Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • Yana Mulyana Universitas Ahmad Dahlan



Community Services, Google Sites, Portofolios, Learning of Media, website


Website is a need to be very important to create an online presence for individuals, businesses,
companies, and education. By using website, everyone can be better to known and widely known
on the internet. However, some users still think that having a website should prepare many things,
ranging from cost to good coding skills. The presence of the Google company in the world of
technology provides convenience through its products. Google Sites is one of the platforms that
provides services to make it easier to create the websites that are used as objects of training
activities with workshop activity partners by Master Program of Informatics Universitas Ahmad
Dahlan and SMK Muhammadiyah Banjar. The purpose of this community service activity is to
carry out training on the use of Google Sites in creating portfolios and learning media. The
audience of service is teachers and students with a total of 27 participants from SMK
Muhammadiyah Banjar West Java Province. The activity was carried out on August 24, 2022. The
stages of the activity were preparation, implementation, and evaluation. Preparation is carried out
by conducting a pre-test survey of trainees. The implementation is carried out with training and
hands on implementation of website creation for each participant. Evaluation of activities is carried
out for each stage by collecting post-test from each trainee. The result of the activity is to increase
the knowledge of training participants, both students and teaching staff in overcoming problems in
the world of technology so as to make it easier to adapt to the industrial world. The training carried
out received a very good response with the score of 79.13% stating that they strongly agreed with
the advantages of this training.concept of healthy elderly people related to the pandemic.


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How to Cite

Sunarni, S., Biddinika, M. K., Furizal, F., Fawait, A. B., & Mulyana, Y. (2022). Training on Portfolio Creation and Learning Media Using Google Sites for Teachers and Students at SMK Muhamadiyah Banjar. ABDIMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 5(2), 2801–2810.