Strengthening the Socio-Economic Potential of Teluk Latak Village as an Independent Village on the Coast of Bengkalis Island


  • Reni Suryanita Universitas Riau
  • Yohannes Firzal Universitas Riau
  • Geovani Meiwanda Universitas Riau
  • Yosi Alwinda Universitas Riau
  • Harnedi Maizir STT Pekanbaru



Kerusakan Pantai, Potensi Ekonomi Sosial, Pengabdian Masyarakat


Teluk Latak Village is located in Bengkalis District, Bengkalis Regency. It has two hamlets, namely
Langgam Muara Hamlet and Simpang Baru Hamlet. Teluk Latak Village is one of the coastal villages
in the west of Bengkalis Island. This village has a flat topography with an area of approximately 23
km2 or about 4.47% of the entire area of Bengkalis District. Teluk Latak village is 14 km from the
centre of government in Bengkalis District. Teluk Latak village has agricultural areas, plantations, and
livestock. Teluk Latak village produces goats, native chickens and manila ducks. Like coastal areas,
Teluk Latak Village is a fishing village. Teluk Latak Village can be developed based on the coastal
village's existing social and economic conditions. Abrasion worries the people of Bengkalis, especially
for people who live in the north of the island facing the Malacca Strait. This abrasion caused the oil
palm plantations and rubber plantations to collapse one by one by the waves. This community service
activity aims to assist village officials and the community in mapping the social and economic potential
of Teluk Latak Village so that it can be realized as an independent village on the coast of Bengkalis
Island. One of the activities is counselling on preventing coastal damage and managing marine fishery
products into nutritious snacks consumed by fishers' families who have an excess fish catch. Teluk
Latak Village people can develop snacks made from processed fish to improve the household
economy. It is hoped that this activity can contribute to village residents and village officials in
mapping the potential of Teluk Latak Village in the social and economic fields


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How to Cite

Suryanita, R., Firzal, Y. ., Meiwanda, G., Alwinda, Y., & Maizir, H. (2022). Strengthening the Socio-Economic Potential of Teluk Latak Village as an Independent Village on the Coast of Bengkalis Island. ABDIMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 5(1), 1616–1621.