Smart Teens with Reproductive Health Digital Pocket Book


  • Rosidah Solihah STIKes Muhammadiyah Ciamis, Ciamis, Indonesia
  • Neli Sunarni stikes muhammadiyah ciamis
  • Sri Utami Asmarani STIKes Muhammadiyah Ciamis, Ciamis, Indonesia



Remaja, buku saku digital, kesehatan reproduksi.


Adolescents are one of the population groups that are quickly influencing by negative and positive information flows. Adolescent problems related to reproductive health often stem from a lack of information, understanding and awareness to achieve reproductive health. The importance of knowledge about reproductive health will help adolescents make decisions whether they will take healthy or unhealthy actions against themselves. Efforts to create healthy adolescents are to disseminate information through an application, namely an android-based digital pocketbook on reproductive health. This community service activity aims to provide education to adolescents and increase adolescent knowledge about reproductive health. The method used in this educational activity is through three stages, firstly giving a questionnaire as a pretest, secondly, providing education about reproductive health, and thirdly giving a post-test questionnaire. This activity increases adolescent knowledge about reproductive health seen from the pretest and post-test results. In conclusion, teenagers already understand reproductive health.


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How to Cite

Solihah, R. ., Sunarni, N., & Asmarani, S. U. . (2022). Smart Teens with Reproductive Health Digital Pocket Book. ABDIMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat, 4(2), 905–909.